Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0049 "Milieu and the Tropes"

Return of Episode 1 of the Sci-Fidelity Podcast!
Science Fiction vs Fantasy: This time it War!
Beating a Dead Horse: Is Star Wars Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
Should the Force ever be pseudo-scientifically explained?
The Mist: What makes a movie a Horror Movie?
Click here for the episode #0049 visual reference. 

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Visual Reference for Episode #0049: "Milieu and the Tropes"

See the magic of the Force being ruined

Trailer for The Mist

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0048 "Four Fingered Pimp Slap"

Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome: It's pretty shiny!

Another Robin hits the window: Death of Damian Wayne

Does Robin Williams get his Heroin at Walgreens?

Turns out New 52 Batman has gone through 6 Robins in 6 Years.

Marvel Continuity: When are Reboots necessary in Comics?

Rogue: Should comic book characters be static or develop?

The 8th Doctor's Amnesia: Failure to (re)boot

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Visual Reference for Episode #0048: "Four Fingered Pimp Slap"

Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome - Episode 1

 Damien Wayne Tribute

Robin Williams on Cocaine

A flock of Robins in 3 Minutes

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0047 "Continuous Continuity"

A comprehensive discussion about the good, the bad, and the ugly of continuity...
  • Different types of continuity
  • How much continuity is expected of different franchises? 
    • Zelda continuity issues.
  • Why do we develop theories to 'fix' contradictions?
  • Should spin-off continuity be held to a higher standard?
  • When is re-booting a good idea? 
  • Retro-Continuity: What makes a good retcon?

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Visual Reference for Episode #0047: "Continuous Continuity"

Discussion of Continuum Time Travel

Time Line(s) of Zelda
Highlander: Ducan vs Conner

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Visual Reference for Episode #46: "Kiss the Rings"

Why, super love for Jimmy Olsen wouldn't be so super

Gummi Bears Intro

The Mandarin poster that got us all excited