Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0015 - Hollywood, You Used to be Cool

Terra Nova - the best of a bad situation.
Remake Hell - GI Joe, Spiderman, Transformers, Battleship, etc.
How hard the quest for The Fifth Element can be.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast Extra : Star Trek 11 Alternate Audio

This is our alternate audio track for Star Trek released in 2009.  While the movie doesn't really have a subtitle like all the others, it's been named Star Trek 11 for your convenience.  

Because of the large size of the file it has been zipped.

We used the Blu Ray version of the movie on a Sony Playstation 3.  We tried to give you a good count down to sync up our alternate audio with the movie.  It's our hope that you'll enjoy watching the movie with us.

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Please remember to Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Share the podcast (and extras) with like minded geeks!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0014 No Story Lines

Geeky Holiday and Christmas Gifts • Nerd Themed Gentlemen's Clubs • 2011 Video Game Season has started • Brian Hates Star Trek Voyager but We Like It • Do a Barrel Roll! • Star Wars Old Republic vs. The Star Wars Crap Games • World of Warcraft Can Get You Into the Diablo III Beta • The Role and Function of Story Line Elements in Modern Video Games • The Social Aspect of Online Games • Assassins Creed and Console Mechanics • Star Wars: The Clone Wars Adventures • Story in Fighting Games • Humor Adds to Ads • This Show Ends Twice! • Eddie Murphy Used to be Funny • Fat Comedians • Swords - and The Book of Swords Series • Honor Harrington Series by David Weber • The Wizard of Oz • The Geek Bar Drink List • White Hot States Evidence 

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0013 "The Price is Untini!"

The importance of copulation capabilities within the field of robotics.
We play a new game "Name that Mangled Movie Moniker!"

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Episode 13 is coming soon!

In episode 13 we mention this clip from Robot Chicken.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0012 "Hare-a-Nova"

In this episode:

Rabbit vs. Dinosaur insertion
Review of Terra Nova’s pilot story
Predictions for Terra Nova’s future (or possible lack thereof)

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0011 “Super-Pimps in Leather Jackets”

Patrick talks some s--- about upcoming sci-fi / fantasy shows
Rebooting stories: Pros and Childhood Rapery
DC Comic’s New 52: What’s going on at the Kent Farm
Why laugh tracks are no laughing matter
F--- Waco - Just F--- it.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0010 “Bigger on the inside”

Comparison of Classic Doctor Who vs New Who
Comparison of Seasons 1-4 and 5-6 on New Who
The Doctor Who universe gets a little freaky

An unexpected rant about Chloe (from Stargate Universe)

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0009 “Assimilate This!!”

Learn how your First Contact can cause a big Insurrection, which can lead to new Generations that will become your Nemesis (in other words we talk about the Next Generation Trek movies). 

Our issues with Star Trek: Nemesis
Continuity issues with the Temporal Prime Directive in First Contact
Alternate script for Star Trek: Insurrection

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0008 I Named Him Hondo Calrissian

How to Masturbate to Captain Janeway
Return of the Steve
Steve’s impressions of the Prequel trilogy
Reviews of the Classic Star Wars Trilogy
How did Star Wars affect us as kids?

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Testing Today

Hello All - I'm still in transit, and that's left me out of Episode 6 and 7. Today Patrick and I will be testing to see if we can record with the equipment and connection I have now. If all goes well I'll be a part of the show once more and you'll be hearing from me in Episode 8 of the Sci-Fidelity Podcast!

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0007 I’m Tired of These Motherf---ing Midichlorians On My Motherf---ing TARDIS

Plot consistency of Doctor Who episodes
Impressions on the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Patrick brings us this amazing little video for our Aliens themed Episode 6.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0006 Aliens and Predators and Zombies, oh my!

Predators vs Twilight (and other genre crossovers)
Predator II vs Predator
Quick review of the Alien / Predator franchises

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast Extra - Godzilla Alternate Audio

As selected via our Facebook Poll, this is our alternate audio track for the 1998 movie Godzilla featuring Mathew Broderick and Jean Reno.   If you want to participate in the next poll or big question, please consider   visiting and liking our Facebook page.

As always, our show is intended for mature audiences.  This is not being released as part of our podcast and won't show up in the feed.  Also, it's worth mentioning that this file is about twice the size of our regular podcast show because it runs the entire length of the movie.

The idea here is that you can queue up Godzilla and play our alternate audio along with the movie as if we were in the room with you and well... talking through the whole damn movie.

We hope you enjoy it.  Either way we'd really like to know what your thoughts are and we encourage you to send us some feedback.  Facebook - Twitter - Email - Carrier Pigeon... what ever floats your boat.  Your comments, suggestions, questions and feedback are greatly appreciated.

Download Now (118MB) Zipped

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0005 Slide it Baby

  • Sliders (most changed show from beginning to end)
  • Steve’s review of Duke Nukem Forever
  • Sci-fi show vs Sci-fi show

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Episode #0004 X-Men First Class: More Than Meets the Eye?

  • Why do people defend Transformers (2007)?
  • Which Sci-Fi show has changed the most from beginning to end?
  • Review of X-Men: First Class
  • Our podcast milestone

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Twitter Problems...

It's come to our attention that our tweets aren't showing up when searching. Are you following us?

We are @scifishow

Monday, June 6, 2011

Episode #0003 B Side - Pon Farr that ass

/ / / / / / / / / WARNING / / / / / / / / / 
This B-Side recording of the Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0003 is:

This show is not being released as part of the podcast.  It's attached as a zip file for this purpose.  I'm sorry for the extra step, but we wanted to ensure that you didn't accidentally hear it.

No notes for this - we didn't have any when we recorded it.  Enjoy.

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Episode #0003 You Can't Stop This Signal, Bitches

  • #SciFiTaughtMe
  • Which Sci-Fi / Fantasy author would you like to interview?
  • Listener Feedback
  • Firefly
    • Who’s your favorite character?
    • Where do you think the show would’ve gone?
    • Browncoat fanaticism
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The Pinocchio Paradox

From episode 0003 this is the Pinocchio Paradox! I wish I knew the source, I'd love to give credit.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Episode #0002 We Don't Need Chloe's Origin Story

- Cancellation of this seasons sci-fi shows (Stargate Universe, The Event, V) 
- Stargate Universe: An open letter to Stargate Fans from Syfy:
- The necessity of a super hero origin story
- (Dis)Honorable mention: Caprica

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Episode #0001 Updated...Kinda

There was an issue with the actual mp3 file of the show.  It meant that for practically all devices there would be either place holder art or nothing at all.  Oops!  I fixed the mp3 and it's now online.  I suppose you could hang on and wait for Episode #0002 and see the art on your shiny device that way and I wouldn't blame you for it.  But if you're like me and want as much awesome as is currently available per Episode then you'll probably need to delete the one you downloaded and get the fixed one.  Just so you know... other than our logo showing there is no other difference.

If you would like some help getting the file deleted on your device - I uh, well we don't really do that.

Sorry for the flub!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Episode #0001 My Little Tardis is Powered by a Black Hole

-Duke Nukem Forever... finally
-Release of the original Star Wars Trilogy on Blu-ray
-Sci-Fi vs Fantasy as a story telling medium

Brian, Michael, Patrick and Steve

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Coming Soon!

Thank you for your interest in our podcast!

We're aiming to have entertaining, humorous and very nerdy discussions about many aspects of geek life from 4 guys who think their opinions matter.  We plan to include:
  • Sci-Fi
  • Video Games
  • Comic Books
  • Music
  • Movies
  • TV
  • The Internet

Our first recording date is May 4th 2011 and we expect to launch very shortly after that.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What do you think?

So what do you guys think about us reviewing movies and TV shows?