Friday, September 21, 2018

Episode 136: The Spielberg Effect

Ready Player One?  More or less.  And learn why media matters when adaptations are assigned.

Trailer for Ready Player One

At the end of the day, free content isn't free for everyone.  You can help us when you shop at Use our Extra Life link to get there and we get a little something and it costs you nothing. Thanks.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Episode 135: Solo: How To Become A Legend Over A Weekend

Why the Solo movie will remain solo.

Why you don't want to see Buffy in wide-screen.

Don't miss the visual references for this episode!

At the end of the day, free content isn't free for everyone.  You can help us when you shop at Use our Extra Life link to get there and we get a little something and it costs you nothing. Thanks.

Visual Reference for Episode 135: Solo: How To Become A Legend Over A Weekend

Trailer for Solo a Star Wars Story


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Episode 134: Deadpool's in Time

Infinity War, infinite discussion

Agents of Shield get smart

DeadPool 2: Temporal Boogaloo

X-men franchise: Everyone forgets The Gifted

Those who worship evil's might are probably worshiping the Green Lantern movie

Moviebob: We review reviews
  • The Really That Good Playlist (YouTube)
  • Really That Good: Batman v Superman (YouTube)

Don't miss the visual references for this episode!

At the end of the day, free content isn't free for everyone.  You can help us when you shop at Use our Extra Life link to get there and we get a little something and it costs you nothing. Thanks.

Visual Reference for Episode 134: Deadpool's in Time

Trailer for Avengers: Infinity War

Trailer for Deadpool 2

Trailer for The Gifted Season 2

Trailer for Green Lantern

Friday, July 20, 2018

Episode 133: We Have A Hulk . . . Sort Of

Getting from Stargate Atlantis to Justice League's Atlantis

Doctor Who: Must be the season of the Twitch

Infinite discussion of Avengers: Infinity War

Don't miss the visual references for this episode!

When you shop at, use our Extra Life link to get there and we get to wet our beaks for the referral. It costs you nothing and helps a lot. Thanks!

Visual Reference for Episode 133: We Have A Hulk . . . Sort Of

Trailer for Stargate Atlantis

Trailer for Avengers: Infinity War

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Episode 132: He's just a Poe Boy

The Last Jedi's Poe Dameron - the Good the Bad and the Cocky. 

Star Wars' rebellious Rebels series

Don't miss the visual references for this episode!

Did you know you can help keep free content free? When you shop at, use our Extra Life link to get there and we get a little somethin' somethin' to keep things going. Thanks.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Visual Reference for Episode 132: He's just a Poe Boy

Trailer for Star Wars the Last Jedi


EC Henry's Video on How Bombs Can "Fall" in Space

EC Henry's videos on the Kelvin Universe

Trailer for Star Wars Rebels

Hera's Escape from Rebels

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Episode 131: Carrie Poppins

In this episode we try to get the last word on Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Trailer for Star Wars the Last Jedi

Did you know you can help keep free content free? When you shop at, use our Extra Life link to get there and we get a little somethin' somethin' to keep things going. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Episode 126: The Orville Discovery

Attack on Titan 2 electric boogaloo

We brag about new hardware for our puters

Our continued Discovery of the new Star Trek series

Is The Orville the Next Generation of off brand Star Trek?

Other Space: the Orville before it was cool

Rick and Morty continue to impress

The word coming out of the Big Mouth and the Santa Clarita Diet going into it. 

Don't miss the visual references for this episode!

Thank you to everyone who supported the show on Patreon. 

Visual Reference for 126: The Orville Discovery

Trailer for Star Trek Discovery

Trailer for The Orville
Trailer for Other Space

Trailer for Rick and Morty Season 3

Trailer for Big Mouth

Trailer for Santa Clarita Diet