Monday, July 30, 2012

The Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0028 Floaters

E3: Booth Babes with Halos.
Patrick gets excited about the possibility of being The Last of Us.
Steve struggles with Diablo III
Wreck it Ralph: Tron meets Toystory.
There’s more than one way to poo in a pool.
Star Wars Old Republic thinks level 50 is good enough for you.
Nostalgia: Captain N vs Loony Toons
Photon: is it a wave or a particle, or a kids sci-fi show from the 80s?

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In this episode we have these visual references:

Halo Trailer
Last of Us Trailer
Diablo 3 trailer
Wreck It Ralph Trailer
Captain N intro
Photon intro

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