Monday, August 22, 2011

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0008 I Named Him Hondo Calrissian

How to Masturbate to Captain Janeway
Return of the Steve
Steve’s impressions of the Prequel trilogy
Reviews of the Classic Star Wars Trilogy
How did Star Wars affect us as kids?

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Testing Today

Hello All - I'm still in transit, and that's left me out of Episode 6 and 7. Today Patrick and I will be testing to see if we can record with the equipment and connection I have now. If all goes well I'll be a part of the show once more and you'll be hearing from me in Episode 8 of the Sci-Fidelity Podcast!

Sci-Fidelity Podcast #0007 I’m Tired of These Motherf---ing Midichlorians On My Motherf---ing TARDIS

Plot consistency of Doctor Who episodes
Impressions on the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011